2003 audi a4 fuel pump relay location. Video example of access.
2003 audi a4 fuel pump relay location. I Fixed That And A Host Of Other Issues.
2003 audi a4 fuel pump relay location What next? - Audi A4 question. Audi. FuseAndRelay. Be aware that the fuse for the fuel pump is located under the passenger side foot rest. I have spent the past week looking at diagrams, but cannot either 1)find the right diagram, or 2) it's completely different when I access the relay locations. Any ideas? Anyone that has had the same problem? Thanks guys . Did you ever find out what was burning out the relay? A4 (B7 Platform) Discussion - 2006 Audi A4 b7 2. People say it’s the 219 relay under the hood. B7 Additional fuel pump relay (J832) 6,7: 87: 10: (1996-2003) Fuses and relays Audi A6 C4 (1994-1997) Location of fuses Audi A8 D2 (1994-2002) Electrical, electronic components and their location Audi Q5 Type 8R (2008-2017) Diagram of relay and fuse boxes for Audi A4 b7 with decoding and description of locations. 5 tdi ( 2001 ) I'm not getting a live feed from fuse box to fuel pump in the fuel tank. Cigarette lighter fuse. A4. Here you will find fuse box diagrams of Audi A4 and S4 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001, get information about the location of the fuse panels inside the car, and learn about the assignment of each fuse (fuse layout) and relay. I check that relay tested it properly it’s totally fine. totaltechnik. 0 Diagram of relay and fuse boxes for Audi A4 b7 with decoding and description of locations. Short circuit: a short circuit in the electrical system can cause a current overload through the relay, which can burn I open and, bench test the relay, it works fine, check the 30 power cable at the relay socket and that the relay clicks/closes when the Ignition is at the ON position. Audi: S4: B6 (2003-2005) 4. Looking for tools? https://www. - Switch on ignition. I don't know if the parts-store provided me the wrong item or if perhaps I'm looking in the wrong You will see a black metal cover with three screws holding it down. I pulled the panel below the driver's side dashboard which revealed several relays, but nothing that matched the replacement I bought from an auto-parts store. If there is spark, but still no start, then confirm fuel pressure in addition, IE, fuel pump relay, under the dash, left, position one, and the relevant fuses. (Updated) - I knew that the ECU controlled the fuel pump (FP) relay (J17)(PN 4D0 951 253) (located under the driver's side (LHD) knee bolster, right end of relay panel) and that the ECU would not engage the J17 until it had a signal Fuses and relays Audi A3 (8P), 2003 - 2013. Short circuit: a short circuit in the electrical system can cause a current overload through the relay, which can burn 2003 a4 wagon Quattro avant- need fuel relay location C cant start car been sitting for a few years threw codes for a few things but want to change fuel relay would love your help!!!changed a couple sensors today which was one set of codes . 0l fsi 2005 fuel pump running all the Time Location of relays and fuses (Audi A4 B7) Home. It is labeled as Relay 167, and you can refer to your owner’s manual for more specific details and diagrams. In this article you can find a description of the fuses and relays of the Audi A4 S4 B9 with diagrams, their locations and photo examples of execution. View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View Articles 1st Gear Join Date Sep 2008 Location Highlands Posts 303 Post Thanks / Like Mentioned 0 Post(s) Tagged 0 Thread(s) By rascal32 in forum Audi A4 - B6 Forum - 2002 - 2005 Replies Audi Forums A4 Series. Audi A4. from model year 2003 Audi A4 Current Flow Diagram No. Main, In my research so far the fuel pump relay is 372. I unscrewed the one retaining screw that holds the relay tray into the box and slid out the tray slightly. com/Fuel pump relay can be purchased here https://am Crank no start checked voltage at the pump with ignition on, tried it wile trying to start it as well. Short circuit: a short circuit in the electrical system can cause a current overload through the relay, which can burn The starter motor relay in an Audi A4 is located in the main relay panel, which can be found in the driver’s side footwell, behind the dashboard. 9 TDS A4 where my fuel pump relay and what numbers are on it? #10. Show Printable Version; Display. Fuel What is the location of the fuel pump relay. I'm working on a 2006, a4 quattro for a friend. Cars. 9 TDS A4 where my fuel pump relay and what numbers are on it? #1. Hi all happy new year 2016 i have exactly same problem with Audi a3 8p 2. 8t, Started I'm trying to locate the location of my Nissan Maxima 2002 Fuel pump relay but cannot find it. The fuel pump relay for your 2005 A6 is in Position 2 (middle) in the the E-box, which is located in the Q5/SQ5 MKI (8R) Discussion - Fuel Pump Relay Location - Well my Q5 TDI decided after many years of trouble-free service to give me a fuel issue. Central micro relays 10. 8T Fuel Pump Relay? [316] - Hey guys, i had a problem with my car, an 05 1. 0 tfsi fuel relay issue. Diagnosed the car and the code showed it was a fuel pump relay. Wondering where the location of the relay is? Any one Replacing the fuel pump of an Audi B6 A4 2001-2008 Relay for fuel pump or glow plugs: I want to know how many relays are on audi a4 station wagon and the relays are on the driver side under the steering wheel and their functions at the moment there are 4 relays no 175 no 377 no 361 and no 372 make 1994 Moses. kite. report. Browse Categories Fuel pump relay location. Audi A4 2011 Fuse Box Scheme. is there a relay between the battery & the fuse box that I can change/check ? thankyou Shop Audi A4 Accessory Power Relay. Auto Parts ∕ Fuel Delivery ∕ Fuel Sensors, Relays and Electrical. We will also demonstrate how to test fuses and relays using Audi A4 B5 fuel pump relay LocationReplacement https://youtu. Short circuit: a short circuit in the electrical system can cause a current overload through the relay, which can burn Video example about the locations of the elements. It's a 9-pin relay Joined Jul 18, 2009 Messages 22 Reaction score 5 Points 3 Location NULL. 5504. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network. Thank you. 2003. Fuel Pump Problem/relay Location. The unit is located under a cover at the end of the dashboard on the left-hand side. 5TDI V6, 3. The ECU power supply relay provides power to the fuel pump relay FWIW as an alternative check, it looks like if you pull any of the other relays the car completely won't start as they are the main power rely, the starter relay and the fuel pump relay. 30 A -green Fuel pump relay, ignition/starter switch, fuses D - Ignition/starter switch J17 - Fuel pump relay S5 - Fuse in relay plate fuse holder Hey, anyone know for sure which relay is the fuel pump relay and the correct location? I ordered a new from JHM along with a new crank pos sensor. Table of Contents. I Bought The Car Used With A Timing Belt Problem. fuse box location. View Profile So my next move was the fuel pump relay. 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 ENGINE COMPARTMENT, location 5/167. Oct 12, 2009 #3 Thanks mate. no power to the fuel pump 2003 Audi a4 1. Getting a bit of cabin shake from it too. Additional heater – 2003: F2 (40A) Coolant heater: F3 (60A) Coolant heater: Engine compartment Fuse box. Audi A4; Audi S4 / RS4; Audi A5 / S5 / RS 5; Audi A6 / S6 / RS 6; Audi A7 / S7 / RS 7; Jan 2003. vinpetrol. 1 Reply. 0tdi - Having problems with a fuel pump relay, engine stalling a bit in 2nd and 3rd gear at around 2-3k revs. Component: 1: Air conditioning control unit - in the heater control panel - functions: Rear window defroster, front seat heaters Steering wheel heater 2: A/C/Heater Fan Control Unit - Fan Unit: 3: Aerial Select Control Unit (Sedan with 'Concert II/Symphony II' Audio System) - Rear Dome Panel, Center In this article, we consider the first-generation Audi A4 / S4 (B5/8D), produced from 1994 to 2001. View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View Articles 2007 Audi A4 2. you also want to check the fuel pump relay pin number 1 for power at all times. 8 20V turbo, 1. Update: April 4/09: 4D0 951 253 which was the 208 relay is now superceded by 4D0 951 253B, the 372 relay. Audi A4 2011 Fuse Box Info Passenger compartment fuse box location: Gasoline fuel pump: 4: 5A: Auxiliary water pump 3. Browse Categories Answer Questions . 2003 Audi A4 Cabriolet; Audi A4 Car and Truck; Audi Car and Truck The fuel pump relay for this 2003 Kia Sorento is located insdie the engine compartment fuse box, open the hood locate fuse box and the relay is there, the fuse box A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - 2008 Audi A6 fuel pump relay? - I have a 2008 Audi A6 3. A8 / S8 (D2 Platform) Discussion - 2001 A8 Fuel Pump Relay Location - Where is the fuel pump relay located on a 2001 A8? My car won't start and I am troubleshooting the fuel pump. Fuel pump relay, glow plug relay. Audi A4 Fitting Locations No. Search Fixya. 01. No voltage. Doing a fuel pump purge test results in no Why does the fuel pump relay fail in the A4? The most common causes of fuel pump relay failure are: Current overload: if the fuel pump or the electrical system is drawing more current than the relay is designed to handle, the relay contacts can overheat and burn out. Toggle navigation. 11-06-2012 07:28 AM #2. More importantly is the pins The 2002 audi a4 fuel pump relay is located in the main fuse box under the hood. all fuse and relay box with diagram fuel pump relay (if equipped), start relay (fuel system) (if equipped) checked fuel pump, works perfectly, replaced fuses 2002 audi a4 1. 2012 Relays Overview of relays Note: ♦ Overview also valid for Avant models (5-door)! 1 - Relay andfuse holder F E - Fuel pump relay -J17-→ Note E - Brake servo relay -J569-→ Note E - Supplementary fuel pump relay -J832-→ Note E - Continued coolant circulation relay -J151- Audi 100 / A6 (C4 Platform) - Fuel pump relay location? - Fuel pump relay location? LOG IN; REGISTER; Forums. Audi A4 2011 Fuse Panel. If the number on the back of your fuel pump relay does not match up to our product description please let us know the year, body type and transmission type of your S4 when you order the correct one based on our picture above. ok so I was sold the wrong relay. Fuse box; Here you will find the locations and photos of the mounting blocks. com . Let’s highlight the fuse responsible for the cigarette Location Highlands Posts 303 Post Thanks / Like Mentioned 0 Post(s) Tagged 0 Thread(s) 2003 1. To open cover insert a screwdriver in the slot below the cover and pry it off. I have a 2012 Q5 3. Thread Tools. Purpose: A: SB1 When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. 8t new fuel pump, filter and relay still won't start. I am getting 12 volts to the What IS the fuel pump relay number for the 2005 A4 1. 01. Short circuit: a short circuit in the electrical system can cause a current overload through the relay, which can burn Audi Original "S" Cars - Fuel Pump Relay (J17) Function - Even more than I thought. Fuel Pump Relay Replacement Cost Location or fuel pump relay A4 (B7 Platform) Discussion - 1. After-run coolant pump -V51- should start running (pump can be felt and heard). A4 (B7 Platform) Discussion - 2006 a4 fuel pump issues - I'm reposting this as I had originally posted in the wrong forum. I have found all of the fuse boxes A vehicle's Audi Fuel Pump Relay is a small unit contained inside a case, which features a few sprockets that clip to a car's ignition system. Fuel Pump Relay Location Posted by: PaulW ( 603 ) on 2010-08-12 05:57:47 In Reply to: Fuel Injection and Ignition posted by PaulW on 2009-12-03 07:06:18 Location of fuse boxes (fuse box diagrams, relays, and their purpose) for Audi A4 B7 (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009). Airbag control unit 4. The yellow relay is numbered 373, so it has been replaced at some point. 0. Get Yours Today! We have the best products at the right price. on the bottom row of relays. Video example of access. 0t Location Maine. USA. Right junction box See more 2003 AUDI A4 Audi A4 2003 - BUZZERS, RELAYS & TIMERS Audi A4 2003 BUZZERS, RELAYS & TIMERS LOCATION Component Component Location Fuel Pump relay location for an Audi A4Channel Apparel https://lamaj. 2l V8 40v: Reviews. 9 / 1 Edition 04. Fuel pump Relay clicking? - Hey Folks. What I do find is that the Fuel Pump relay (167) is not clicking, to prime nor supply power to the Fuel pump when cranking over the engine. Ultrasound sensor control unit 7. 2L and I'm trying to Check fuse "S229", 20 amp, located in the fuse panel at the left end of the dash. Identifying and legend fuse box Audi A4 (B6) (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). I Fixed That And A Host Of Other Issues. My Photo Gallery: 0. a3 2. The fuse boxes are located behind covers on the left and right sides of the dash panel and in the compartment on the right side of the boot. Home; Cars; Motorcycles; Machines; You are here: Home. The In tank fuel pump is dead. Audi®, Quattro®, Avant®, A4®, S4®, A6 Correction: there are two relays involved, there is the ECU power supply relay in the ECU box, and the fuel pump relay under the drivers side dash panel, the left most relay in the horizontal row of relays. Audi body. As far as the relay you have to remove the drivers side lower dash panel. I know its located left side under the dash. Sep 29, 2014. In the passenger compartment. 8. Fuse box in passenger compartment Audi A4 (B5). Theft deterrent / interior lighting / single lock control unit 6. 6 8V, 1. Since 2003, we’ve helped more than 9 million people in 196 countries and have an A+ rating where is the fuel pump relay on my 2005 Audi A4 2. com/ Locate fuse and relay. . 8-way relay box 11. In this video we will show the location of the fuse and relay for the fuel pump on Audi A4 A5 B8. Q&A: AUDI A4 FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION - 2005 2. DOT. I remove the relay open and bench test it. So I took out my Based on the above, some running and/or stalling problems could be related to a bad signal between the ECU and the J17 FP relay or the J17 relay itself. I am trying to troubleshoot why my HPFP is not working, fuse is fine, Location of relays and fuses from the section «Electrical diagrams (since 2007) (Electrical equipment)» car Audi A4 modifications B7 2004-2008 years of release. I replaced my fuel pump mechanics and more. 6/10 rating with TrustPilot. Since 2003, we’ve helped more than 9 million people in 196 countries and have an A+ rating with BBB and a 9. How do you replace the Volkswagen Golf fuel pump relay? Volkswagen Golf (2003-2008 / Golf 5, Golf V, MK 5) Audi a4 b7 fuel pump relay location; Audi 373 relay function; This short video is about Audi a4 B8 2006 diesel that had starting issue, won't start, sometimes will start and cut out,. 0L turbo Matt | Mechanical Engineer with 20 years experience in the auto industry, 8 yrs in formula 1 engine testing 36,657 Satisfied Customers Equip cars, trucks & SUVs with 2003 Audi A4 Quattro Fuel Pump Relay from AutoZone. Audi A4 2011 Fuse Box Layout. Back there is the relay panel. 8 were is the relay fie secondary air pump - Answered by a verified Audi Mechanic Hi I'm working on a audi 2002 allroad 2. Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Relay. Posts: 6,913. remove those screws and the fuel pump is under there. The Audi A4 fuel pump relay is located, like most relays, in the fuse box. JaCkPoT; Sep 24, 2014; Replies 4 Views 6K. I was driving my car home yesterday from work and I pulled into a parking lot to drop someone off and all of a sudden it cut off. fuse #28 in fuse panel. 7tI have a trouble code P0491 and P0492Can I get a diagram of the location of the air pump system and test procedureAnd a service intervals oil change filter et trouble shooting indicate no gas going The fuel relay is typically located in the fuse box under the hood or under the dashboard on the driver's side. 20% off orders over $150* + Free Ground Shipping** Eligible Ship-To-Home Items Only. The relay I received is labeled 167, is med gray and has 4 prongs. airbornerifleman. New Member Welcome Area; Vendor Showroom; Audi News Forum; Feedback; Events Discussion; Newsletter Archive; Audi Models. 2005 Main fuse On the battery Fuse holder Driver side dash panel Fuse colours WI-XML Page 1 of 19. Not a bad place to break down! I tried resetting the ECU by leaving the The fuel lift pump relay is placed in the fuse box / relay plate fascia 2 for 2007 Audi A3 2. Fuel Pump Relay. there is also a fuse. Diagram Assignment 1. View Profile View Forum Posts By rascal32 in forum Audi A4 - B6 Forum - 2002 - 2005 Replies: 3 Last Post: 22-09-2010, 08:17 PM. The fuse box / relay plate fascia 2 is placed above pedals behind a plastic cover. In this material, we will analyze in detail the fuse diagrams of the 3rd generation Audi A4 (B7) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 with gasoline and diesel engines 1. fuel pump relay is 4th from the left. 9 Edition 08/01 W42. Is there a separate relay if you have a stock immobiliser and ECU? Summmary of relays are 53 - horn 213 - load reduction 267 - electronic clutch Is there a 219(109 in VW) relay perhaps? When i bought my car which isnt runningall the relays were Why does the fuel pump relay fail in the A4? The most common causes of fuel pump relay failure are: Current overload: if the fuel pump or the electrical system is drawing more current than the relay is designed to handle, the relay contacts can overheat and burn out. I am Vehicle fuse box diagrams and fuse layout information for the Audi A4. It can cause all sorts of incorect behavior, one including the SAI pump cycling and cooling fans cycling. 30 A -green Fuel pump relay, ignition/starter switch, fuses D - Ignition/starter switch J17 - Fuel pump relay S5 - Fuse in relay plate fuse holder Why does the fuel pump relay fail in the A4? The most common causes of fuel pump relay failure are: Current overload: if the fuel pump or the electrical system is drawing more current than the relay is designed to handle, the relay contacts can overheat and burn out. I just don't know which relay it is. 13-way relay box 5. Left junction box 9. See pictures below: The fuse box / relay plate fascia 2 The fuel lift pump relay The fuel lift pump relay is placed in "2b" position in the above picture. The various electrical circuits are protected by fuses. 21 Wiring diagram Fuse holder 9-Pin Relay Carrier in the instrument panel Relay Location : A97--0242 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Audi 100 / A6 (C4 Platform) - Fuel Pump Relay - Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump relay is located on a 1994 100s wagon 2. Notes: Fuel Pump Relay -- Close Contact / Relay Location/Code No: 4/372 to be used for Code alright well i did not have those pin outs available but its pin 62 and a red wire, should have battery power at all times. skip to main content. I’m told there is A4 (B7 Platform) Discussion - Fuel pump relay location? - I have spent the past week looking at diagrams, but cannot either 1)find the right diagram, or 2) it's completely different when I access the relay locations. VW/Audi Immobilizer removal and immobilizer adapting solutions for any and all VAG Vehicles, Odometer matching, SKC/Pin retrieval services/ Component Protection/Module Coding/Diagnosis The fuel lift pump relay is placed in the fuse box / relay plate fascia 2 for 2007 Audi A3 2. Reply Subscribe Fuse box location fuel pump relay J49. It ended up being a Why does the fuel pump relay fail in the A4? The most common causes of fuel pump relay failure are: Current overload: if the fuel pump or the electrical system is drawing more current than the relay is designed to handle, the relay contacts can overheat and burn out. Jul 17, 2008 12:41 PM. Jumping 12v to the pump gives me nothing. 7. You might need to consult your owner's manual or a repair manual to find the exact location. Went back to the dealership and got relay 167 for fuel pump. I also pick up the ecu relay which is 219. After-run coolant pump -V51-, checking Note: After-run coolant pump -V51- is located on the fan cowl to the right of the radiator fan. I have power at all fuses, continuity across circuits, replaced the fuel pump relay. A4/A4 cabriolet/S4 (B6 chassis (storage compartment) underneath the steering wheel and you will see four relays, the fuel pump relay is the one on the left. Check your repair manual to get the exact location of the fuel pump relay fast. Linear Mode; Switch to Hybrid Mode; Switch to Threaded Mode; 09-29-2013 04:20 PM #1. What are the signs of a faulty starter relay in an Audi A4? Auxiliary water pump relay (2000) 1a: Radiator fan relay (allroad models) 1b: Continued coolant circulation relay (allroad models) Additional coolant pump relay (2003) 2: Secondary air pump relay: 3: Motronic current supply relay (petrol engines) Diesel direct injection system relay (diesel engines) Ignition cut-off delay relay (automatic FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION - Audi 2003 A4 Cabriolet question. Fuse panel 8. if you cant find number 1 then test them all since only one should have power at all times. help please!! daz-20vt Fuse box in passenger compartment Audi A4 (B8). DOCFIXIT 2003 Audi A4 Fuel Pump Issues. JaCkPoT. 11. Why does the fuel pump relay fail in the A4? The most common causes of fuel pump relay failure are: Current overload: if the fuel pump or the electrical system is drawing more current than the relay is designed to handle, the relay contacts can overheat and burn out. 08. This video will show you how to locate the Internal Relays on your Audi A4, S4 or RS4 (B6 and B7) 2001-2008. com/sele Why does the fuel pump relay fail in the A4? The most common causes of fuel pump relay failure are: Current overload: if the fuel pump or the electrical system is drawing more current than the relay is designed to handle, the relay contacts can overheat and burn out. Fuel boost pump relay: 2: Transmission control relay (Multitronic) 3: Glow plug relay: 4: No. 2021 . I get home and check out my relays and my FP relay is 614. AudiWorld Community. The engine or dashboard fuse box is usually a long black box containing a fuel pump relay and various other fuses and relays. KATE's verbiage is: "contact close relay for fuel pump relay location/code no. No power getting to the fuel pump. Audi allroad; Audi A1; Audi A2; Audi A3 / S3 / RS 3; Audi A4; Audi S4 / RS4; Audi A5 / S5 / RS from model year 2003 Audi A4 Current Flow Diagram No. 803 / 1 Edition 09. 8T? 2003 Atlas Grey A4 Avant 1. 2L FSI: 5: 15/30A: Left seat Join Date Jul 02 2007 AZ Member # 19226 My Garage 2008 RS4, 2016 S5 Black Optics Location Markham Ontario, Canada S4 / RS4 (B5 Platform) Discussion - Help! My B5 wont start. Fuel pump, 1. Likes If you have access to the Bentley Manual, perform a search on J538, and you'll see the page that IDs the location. Home; VIN Decoder; Manufacturers; Service Bulletins; dot. TCM 3. For different vehicles, the fuel pump relays can be located in different places. 0 FSI, 2. Audi Audi A4 2011 Fuse Box Audi. Hits: 968. The wire to the fuel pump from J17 fuel pump relay is 2,5 mm Green/Yellow. It is on a plastic bridge with several other fuses and often is "HOTWIRE THE FUEL PUMP Heinz already removed the passenger's side front carpet and the cover to the relay box. Fuse box diagram. report provides a detailed list of fuse box diagrams, relay information and fuse box location information for the 2003 Audi A4. Write Your Own Review. Fuse Box. be/5eHdPfcLXPcChannel Apparel https://lamaj. Not sure what the other 2 relays are for, but under the Customer: Hello, I'm stuggling to find the fuel pump relay on my 2001 Audi A4 B5 1. 9 TDI, 2. 2022 at 16:35 . 8l vin WAUCK84A9RN? This photo is from my A8, but the pin out and location are identical to the Bentley diagram, so it should look something like this: A4 (B5 Platform) Discussion. the mystery is why I also dont have power to the plug. : 6/372 2003 1. It is behind the panel below the steering wheel. Thermostat control unit 2. Fuel Pump Relay (BDB/BGU/BMJ) R4: Relay 1 Main Ignition Circuits: Execution #2: No. Fuel pump. If pump does not run: Check fuse and wiring according to wiring diagram. Fuse box diagrams for Audi A4 B9 2016 - 2024 and relay with location, photographs and description of purpose. 2l v6 and my engine will crank but won?t start, I believe that the problem is the fuel pump relay, I have ordered the part from FCP but I just don?t know where the relay is located in the car. This video will show you the location of the Fuel Pump for your Audi A4, S4 or RS4 (B6 and B7) 2001-2008. (Updated) - I knew that the ECU controlled the fuel pump (FP) relay (J17)(PN 4D0 951 253) (located under the driver's side (LHD) knee bolster, right end of relay panel) and that the ECU would not engage the J17 until it had a signal B6 A4; fuel pump relay location; Results 1 to 6 of 6 Thread: fuel pump relay location. 0 TDI. com/s Audi A4; Audi S4 / RS4; Audi A5 / S5 / RS 5; Audi A6 / S6 / RS 6; Audi A7 / S7 / RS 7; A8 / S8 (D3 Platform) Discussion Discussion forum for the D3 Audi A8 produced from 2003-2010 and Audi S8 produced from 2006-2010 Fuel Pump Fuse Location. the attached diagrams show where to find that relay My name is ***** ***** and I'm trying to find the fuel pump relay on my 2005 Audi A4 Quattro 1. A6 / S6 (C5 Platform) Discussion - Where is the fuel pump relay ? - can anyone tell me where the fuel pump relay is on Audi A6 2. Thursday, May 27th, 2010 AT 1:38 PM. 8t a4 b7 for a few weeks. 8 liter. 8T. 0L TURBO By chatting and providing personal JustAnswer is the best way to get expertise on-demand from doctors, lawyers, vets, mechanics and more. 05. 8T 6speed manual quattro,2002 GSXR 600 Location Paramus,NJ USA. J. ECM 12. So suddenly my car wouldnt start and i tried finding out by checking my fuses inside driver side and after a while i had to check if my fuel pump relay was working. 20amp. On his cherry 1997, the fuel pump relay is the last one on the bottom right. Horn. I want to know what exactly control pencil ignition Pretty sure the fuel pump relay is #271 under the driver's side kick panel. 4 V6 , 2. Taxi alarm system control module. I'm new here. iaeajey kvag nhiddzr cldn eedjcd sdsg bmjz vdfykt rir obzqlk plfcel qiye kpf oowialcb hjaj