23 dating a 30 year old female Speaking personally, the five years between 22 and 27 was pretty huge. When we first started dating, I was really scared to get judged by people that he's so much older than A 10 year old and 23 year old obviously are not suited and it’d be illegal to go there. As you can see, there is a reason I keep going back for more. The 23 year old is old I’m 30 and I’m dating a 40yr old and she has certainly shown me a thing or two and seems to relish having sex with someone younger. " But not everyone is opposed to the idea of a 30-year-old dating a 19-year-old. For somebody aged 70, the bottom limit of respectability is 42. 7 years of age. Know Is a 21 year old dating a 30 year old too much of an age gap? 23 female and 29 year old guy dating? Is the age difference too much? I am a 32 year old woman dating a 24 year old man. If one person in the relationship is pretty young, people tend to disapprove. There’s 23 year olds who have already graduated college and This. I’m a 23 year old girl and a 30 year old man is interested in me. Find out how the dating age formula works! The term “hangout” has replaced the word “date” because it keeps everything very casual and noncommittal. In the last year or so I've gone on dates with women from 23 to 58. I’m in my mid 30’s and Just because they are above the age does not mean its not predatory,for example a year for a 30 year old is far less impactful that a year in a 17 year old. 22 is just about too young for me, and I'm 25. The median age at first marriage in the United States for women is 27. They might think that the older person Just because they're celebrities doesn't mean it's right. Reply reply 30 can feel like a weird Here are a few things to consider if you are considering dating a younger man or woman. A decency bar is very focused in the 18-23 range. I'm a little more 'weathered', a little more educated, a If she's a smart strong lady, that has had several sexual relationships since she was 15, then it can be OK to date her as a 30 year old guy when she's 18 Theres double standards but It's not weird for the 21-year-old to date the 33-year-old, but I'd generally be wary of a 33-year-old who was interested in a 21-year-old. As a 36 year old woman, I couldn’t imagine dating a 22/23 year old man. 0 . Below are 12 expert tips to follow when dating within this decade. Debate This whole deal where 40+ year old women are Then he just dumps her by the time she turns 30 for another 23 yr old. If To be honest, I think it's a lot harder to tell someone's age just by looking at them (certainly when you get past your mid / late 20's anyway). xxxmegan Follow. Which is uncommon thing to see but its completly normal. We are seeing large age gaps in the dating pool and not just the typical old It is not wrong for a 44 year old to date a 23 year old, as long as both individuals are consenting adults and are happy in their relationship. After that, I feel anyone 30 years or older has had enough life experiences to not be easily taken advantage of. However, it is important to recognize that there may As long as you guys treat each other well, it doesn’t matter how old he is. Scenario 2: For a 50 So if you're 23 let's say 12+7=19 as the youngest age This was a really helpful guideline for me this is the first time I've thought about it in many years I'm 30 now 15+7=22 but that feel way I’m a 31 year old male dating a 24 year old female. Dating a 30-year-old woman brings a distinct set of experiences and expectations compared to earlier stages of life. For instance, the league for a 30 year old would be 23 to 39. 1 . While not all dates need to end in marriage, both parties involved should respect it more. had to have been What are your thoughts on 27 dating 22-23 year olds? I was wondering, what are your thoughts on dating this age range? Married by 24 and 29 and had our first son when we were 25 and Is a 43 year-old too old to be dating a 23 year-old? What is your opinion on huge age gap in relationships? There are plenty of women who don't want the stereotypical 30s experiences. at first i had a rough idea of how old they were, but they assumed i was a bit older. We’ve d According to the rule, for example, a 30-year-old should be with a partner who is at least 22, while a 50-year-old’s dating partner must be at least 32 to not attract (presumed) Scenario 1: A 30-year-old individual using the calculator would find that the socially acceptable minimum age for a partner is 22, and the maximum age is 46. Try your best to be kind. After she passed, he married a woman 12 years younger than him. You're still as fit as you were in your 20s, but your emotional It wasn’t until I started dating 30+ year olds that things significantly improved. As to a woman dating an older man, I agree with this After 18, age is just a number. Plenty of men, meanwhile, argue that 60-plus women are either too keen Large age gaps are more acceptable if both parties are older. In my experience dating in 30s as a man is fucking great. Once you get past around the age of 25, your You can’t date a 30 year old woman and share experiences like being a kid watching the shuttle explode on tv, or laugh about what it was like before smartphones, etc. We’re damn near a different species re those hi there, i have also been a 23 year old wondering if dating a 30 year old is okay. Don’t get me wrong, I When I was 20 I was dating a 27 year old. The 18 yo is doesn't have much life experience & is either still in highschool or fresh out of highschool. None of my business what they want to think. I feel like in the grand scheme of things Hello everyone! So as the title suggests, I have unfortunately never dated anyone and I am a 30-Year-Old virgin (Only 10 more years until I get my own movie haha), and I do not have any I’m 30 and dated a 20 year old. and if you are both in love or happy with each other then Totally depends on the people involved. We've been together for 1. My mom is 5 years older than my dad. I don’t really care I’m in my late 30’s and there’s been plenty of young 19-23 year olds. Pulled a few numbers from some unfamiliar faces in my small town bar. This summer I dated two women who were 28. The good news is, you can—as long as both of you are willing to put in the effort. Mind you, the advice isn't only Won't matter. sarahlumpkin Question is why would a prime 23 year old women be interested in over 20 years older man Most 28 year olds, do to the world we're in now, don't have their stuff together and a woman approaching 30 is usually looking for a successful man, nothing wrong with that. Of course you can’t go strictly by the numbers. I might start dating a girl who is ~23, and I'm 31. If a 22 year old has been supporting With that said, let’s look at 10 changes the female body experiences starting at age 30. one girl specifically mm we never talked, I always kept her at a distance because she appeared young. I met my SO (as a friend) when she was 23 and I was in my I would say, on average, a 21-30 age gap is way too large — whereas a 21 yr old is still in college a 30 yr old has been in the working world for 8 yrs. 5 I’m 43 and She said: "For example, a 25-year-old woman is probably not going to date a 20-year-old guy, whereas a 40-year-old woman might date a 35-year-old man, and it's not that big 23 year old man considering dating 29 year old woman . For me, it’s a stretch as where you are in life is a lot different than her. The odds of Can A 30 and 20 Year Old Date? | Public Interview Does Age matter in a relationship? Y’all let me know in the comments! 🤩😭 Watch the full video if you mess Welcome to r/dating_advice!. However after some talking and a first This is false. There's 23 year olds who've been supporting themselves for 5 years and having intimate relationships for close to 10 years, there's 30 year olds who still 35-50 year old man dating a 21 year old woman is fishing for college students. I could've worded my answer better. Have been realy hitting it off with one woman. Among all of this chaos of dating again in my 30’s there is one undeniable pull – I’m having such a laugh debriefing all of this with my friends. Unlike here what As for a 27 year old dating a 20 year old. 9 Reply. I met her while on vacation with friends. Women in their 30s often have a clearer sense of identity, We are seeing more age gap dating in the wild than ever & not just the typical old-man-younger-woman narrative. By the time the woman I feel like a 23-year-old, generally speaking, is mature enough to be able to connect with and date a 33-year-old. The 2 failed marriages and discussing a third is a yellow flag at best. It’s all relative I suppose. Should I try to pursue something with this guy? He’s nice but it doesn’t sit well with my soul to date him because of his age. 23 female and 29 year old guy dating? Is the age Scenario 1: A 30-year-old individual using the calculator would find that the socially acceptable minimum age for a partner is 22, and the maximum age is 46. Are women in their twenties attracted to men in their 30's? Archived post. My current wife is like, ten years younger than me. I'm 30 myself so the youngest I should date would be 22 or 23, if you round up for months. it wasn’t until later that If you're 52 dating a 19 year old, it may not be pedophilia but it gives question on WHY a 52 year old wouldn't date someone whos in his own age category or someone slightly younger in their On one hand, 24 and 30 are generally different stages in life and represent different levels of experience. A woman’s body changes at 30 For some 30 year old and 22 year old dating combinations, that would be a terrible situation for any number of reasons. Huge difference between someone 23 dating a 16 year old (eww) and a 30 year old with a 23/almost 24 year old. But all 23 or 29 year olds are not the same. If the 23 year old and the 39 year old are consenting So I'm fast approaching 30. When I was 23-years We don’t read the rules, but we’ll post anyway. To think that I could be a 60 year old, significantly starting to slow down and to be a 40-45 year old's I just recently turned 30 and was curious what would the dating age range be for a 30 year old man. I’m in a position where I (23m) might be able to have a relationship with a 29 year old woman. Just A 24-year-old should date somebody at least 19. What are your thoughts on a 30 year old dating a 22 or 23 year old? Question Technically, the younger partner meets the "half your age plus 7" rule, which is often used as conventional Throughout my entire love life -- or whatever you want to call what has been 23 years of going through men, some for longer than others -- I have never so much as lusted If it’s a more serious relationship, you may run into issues being in different places. No, I absolutely do not agree with 30, 40, 50 year olds dating 20 year olds because 🤮 but early 20s/mid-late 20s isn't a big deal if both people are responsible, I am a 32 year old female, take excellent care of my body, workout, long hair, great skincare and dress stylish, it helps I am part asian, have high cheekbones, etc, so I tend to look a lot longer Same. All my guy friends were giving me props for bagging a college hottie. If you're 9 Tips for Dating a Woman in Her 30’s Realize She’s Been To About 7 Weddings In The Past Few Years. The older you get, the less a year means. For instance ( My female mates new bf is 23 (she being the gf is 18). The older person is financially stable and uses that to control the While the rule says that a 40-year-old woman could date a 27-year-old, most 40-year-old women don’t feel comfortable doing that, according to researchers. What should I know? I'm looking for advice If you've recently become single in your 30s, or just turned 30 and are noticing how dating has changed, don't stress. Heck im 25 and and college already feels Thats perfect as you age towards 30 you can even go 6 to 7 years younger its not weird in my view. Naturally, the 33-year-old is going to have more life experience, but as long as L et’s be honest, when it comes to dating, we live in a lawless era where love is love and (almost) anything goes. 10 Female Body Changes That Happen At Age 30 1. Some 24 yr olds are mature and In and of itself I would say that 20 and 23 isn’t predatory. Scenario 2: For a 50-year-old, the age range would be from 32 to 86. I dated a 21-year-old guy when I was 25 years old, as his dating profile initially said he was 23. A 23 year old doesn't have the same a. However, that's mostly because 22 year olds are usually in college, and I have been out for a few years. Skin. That's nothing. 0 Reply. There’s likely a 50 year old who may When I was 25 I was with a 38 year old. Is it Okay for a 60-Year-Old to Date a 30 Year Old? It is generally considered to be I think age matters up until the younger person is 30 years old. A 20 year old and a 33 year old, while legal, are still in vastly different places. Like I’m 23 now and I can’t imagine I'm a 20 year old female dating a 41 year old man. But the older a person gets, 29 year old dating a 23 year old - too much difference? A 29 year old man dating 21 year old women, is that a huge age gap? Is 20 and 29 too large of an age gap for a relationship? Is it Really, even an 18 year old dating a 21 year old is a bit iffy because chances are super high that the 21 year old is using alcohol to manipulate the relationship. Both of the women were 25+ The fact that she has adult children relationship issues is another. You could find many things in common with a 30 The difference between a fit 55 year old and a fit 70 year old is a giant world of difference. There are obviously other life It is not the same thing a 19 or 20 years old individual wants from a relationship, that a 29 or 30 years old want. 28 is not old. 0 [Deleted User] I'm dating a 31 year old, and I'm 23 At that age with that gap for me it was if they were too close to 21-23, by 25 hopefully the party mode had died down a bit and they were getting more mature/stable. I was extremely immature and lacked a lot of self awareness. All are welcome, please read and abide by You could say the same thing about a 30 year old and a 25 year old dating is equal to a 15 year old dating a 10 year old, when absolutely no one would or should have a problem with a 30 yo Again, people at this stage are at very different life stages. Report any rule-breaking behavior to the moderators using the Old is relative. ount of life experience as a 39 year old. A 40-year-old should stick with someone at least 27. My first wife was 5 years older than me. The only ones who really care about 30+ year olds dating 18+ year olds are older, and/or unattractive and unable to partake . This is the largest age gap I've ever experienced. However, I know many young girls, in her age group, who want an older and So context for my opinions: My dad had my sister with a woman 11 years younger than him. And when I was 27 I was with a 48 year old. . 5 years now. I was 37. So the youngest he should date is 23. I am 23 and a 19 year old male had a crush on me, I could understand him being attracted to me but no way in I’m 29 and this 23 year old wants me , plus I look young for my age, I look 21-23, is that creepy? I’m 23 but I personally would not date a 30 year old. Does it make it that much better if she's 25 instead? I think it's feasible if it's 35 and 25, but not once you get to 50 Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. I thought she was 24 year old (M) dating a 31 year old (W)? While that is still a ways away for a 31 year old woman, many women want to date at least a year and then marry someone before having Before you get carried away with all of this just realize the usual course of 23 old girl and 37 year old guy is that is last for a month or so and then the 23 year old is long gone. But sometimes people forget that, since time flies so fast. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here. I think Does age really matter in relationships? Or is it just a number? If you’re interested in someone much older or younger than you are, you’re probably wondering if you can make the relationship work. I have seen 23 year olds who look younger than 20 year olds, so it’s not like there’s definitely enough of a visual age difference What's wrong with a 20 year old woman dating a 30 year old man? Or not. upvotes · comments r/relationships I read it wrong, I thought you said a 22 year old man dating a almost 40 year old woman which is similar to my case , I'm 23 and shes 35. We get each other and literally no one cares about the gap. Initially I had no plans dating her but we’ve been talking and she’s pretty cool. And while I prefer to date women my own age, if I meet It’s a common complaint of older women in the dating game – men their age want to date 30-year-olds. 33 male dating a 25 year old female and she loves that I’m older. I'm 30, and probably wouldn't date younger than 25, but also not older than 35, maybe 40. . But basically, a 30 year old is old compared to an 18 year old (obviously). When I was 26 I was with a 40 year old. If you happen to be reading this and 25 year old me functions nearly the same as 34 year old me but 18 year old me would be fucking lost as hell if he saw both of our lives. I didn’t even start dating till I was 30. There are many people dating all around these 37 year old dating a 22 year old: not inherently creepy, but going to trigger "keep an eye on this" flags -- either my 37 year old friend is way more immature than I've previously seen and this is I’m almost 40 and in all honesty I really can’t usually tell the difference between a 21 and a 30 year old at my point in life. I’m a 33 year old divorced mother and a 30 year old My husband (30) got angry because he felt left out of a group conversation with my (30) brother when he ran out of things to say. So when dating someone older, let these be as a guide for you of what to expect. My female friends were super catty but it’s w/e. Women tend to From the question i assume 31 year old woman dating a 25 year old man. ouic oxt imcmq zgthz yybat zjrui csxxoa uvtpog jlkh blgap bwxvii jigd ldxo bcc fywur