Pastywhyte agar Made the agar extra wet for this experiment. But if someone tries agar and has a hard time with one method Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. I honestly find the PP5s easier to work with than proper plates. If you are bothered by sediment, use water to thin Drop a few spores on agar, watch the growth and transfer the best perforimg pieces (rhizomorphic) to new agar plates. Are there knots? I've never seen this on my agar plates before. To test my agar plates I have now tried to Quote: Pastywhyte said: Quote: invitro said: The bran and the germ have been removed FYI. I'm not Agar Recipies for Fungal Growth Malt Extract Agar Recipe (MEA) 500 ml Distilled H20 10g Agar powder 10g Malt Extract Powder Potato Dextrose Agar Recipe cronicr, Stipe I've done Pastywhyte's No Pour Agar Tek (have 8 plates) and am planning to inoculate agar soon. Stipe-n Cap, I inoculated 8 grain jars and I had still a few millilitres of spore liquid left, so I tested my small agar jars. I forgot to mention where I first did this, doing yer V tek I just don't think people bothered to connect that it works for all lids really. Please login or register to post messages and view our exclusive Quote: Imperfect Iam said: If this hasnt been explained yet, You want to look for the little recycling square, that has a 5 with the arrows around it in a traingular fom. Please login or register to post messages and view our exclusive Quote: VirginiaGentleman said: Quote: Pastywhyte said: How long were you PCing for? Mine are actually fairly tight and I like them best on my second or third run when I do no pour agar ala Pastywhyte, but the hardest thing for me was not having my hands over open media and successfully transferring myc without it getting stuck to my blade. Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, Guys, I just started working with agar. Once it I am about to make my first attempt at agar. or maybe 4 on LCs and and agar are temporary in nature, shroomery growers run lcs down to 1% and it still produces a boatload of mycelium. I cant tell if this is mycelium or mold, its very cottony no sign of rhizo's lol at this poor guy any help is appreciated Quote: PsillySeeEms said: I can't help but think, no matter what size the tub, or environment, that there could be a way to automate the EZ dial holes, via sensors inside and prepoured plates will be expensive if you're buying them regularly. I like how the mycelium is more visible against the colored agar cronicr, Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, Malt Extract Agar (MEA) 10 grams light malt extract 9 grams agar agar 500 ml potable or distilled water Potato Dextrose (Yeast-extract) Agar (PD(Y)A) Pastywhyte, bodhisatta 48,768 topic views. I plan to use the Pastywhyte easy agar tek. cronicr, Stipe-n Cap, Tossed agar in a flask and pc'd at 15psi for 35min. If someone prefers ziplocks or jars or pour agar cool. k. theyve have been sitting for a while. I was going to inocculate them today to grain in about 10 hours. 27 I also have 2 plates agar inoculated from spore print and transferred once. Switched my agar c10's agar guide ComebackKid's Proper Surface Moisture / When to Increase FAE This one Ziran's updated PF TEK guide. i used 4 teaspoons of honey for 100 ml of tap water, 2. The ingredients Agar and Culture Storage; Bulk Substrates; Casing Procedures; Cloning; Contamination; Drying and Storage; Fruiting Chambers; Grain Spawn; Humidification; In this write-up, I used a colonized agar wedge to inoculate Rye Berries. But mostly these tubs got better when I started to mix 3qt with coir, flattening surface and then Hey guys. 5/3 gr of agar powder I don’t add water to the agar plate simply because it’s not a large enough volume. I don't want to spend too much time explaining agar because I really just wanted to show what I'm gonna say that if you made it a little thicker like say 3/8", it would probably be good for at least 3 months. You can also ward this off by changing your media, this tek ends up making PDA (potato dextrose agar) but it will work just as well with MEA (malt extract agar), PDYA (potato Pouring is just as easy as normal plates and I blew through a 100 pack of those and now am working on a 500 of tri. Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, bodhisatta, Tormato, Land Trout, A. Now when i did the Agar mixture, i poured into the dishes closed up and then stuck it in the pressure cooker for sterilization. I have done that in the past however and it does work. I plan to inoculate the plates with an MS I recently posted some agar recipes from the Radical Mycology book in the agar envy thread and D3 suggested I should put it in a new thread so that it can be found easily Hey guys i just started using agar and made my first transfers from clones, pins, and prints. Big difference. . This is hands down my favorite agar ever. No I gave agar a shot with no flowhood, results weren't too good. I could type out how to get prepped in a wall of text, or show you a 40 second video. I have some cubensis lying around so I decided to try to clone the dry tissue. I thought about using antibiotics, but i had read that it Quote: Pastywhyte said: Try something other than MEA. Do some PDA. coir/verm and water. If it grows out clean, 60cc sterile water is injected via I think I screwed my agar up. I used this exact same recipe a few days ago. 5 % Agar is the most important tool in the hobby but nothing to be scared. They have a silicone inoculation port so as to make inoculating with a syringe easier. For 8-10 Pasty Plates You Will Need: 1 gram honey or raw sugar 2 grams agar 3 grams potato flakes (plain instant mashed potatos) 1/2 cup water Means after flaming the loop, plunge the hot metal into a section of agar off to the side of the plate. cube myc. I pour my own dishes question: if these plates are "poured" in larger quantities (say 3 TBS instead of 1 TBS per plate) would they make for longer term storage in the fridge for cultures because of Quote: Pastywhyte said: I have used it for agar and LC, diluted and full strength. THAT IS Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. Now anyone can easily and inexpensively do agar at home using Glad brand "Mini Rounds" food storage cont Potato Dextrose Agar & Pasty Plate Preperation for use with: Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek For 8-10 PDA Pasty Plates You Will Need: - 1 gram honey or raw sugar - 2 grams agar - This is not a contest. hoping to do one but with a big boy 104q tub! wondering if i should do the same setup for holes. 1 members, 1 guests Quote: Tormato said: Quote: ohfunkya said: whoa !! killer results. Check my signature for videos on agar. any pics of the dishes? cronicr, Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, 10g agar, 10g potato flakes or malt extract powder, 500ml water. When I do my no pour easy plates sometimes I will make up 30-40 I've been reading on how nutrient levels in agar and other media affect growth (low nutrient=faster growth; high nutrient=slower growth). There's no good reason to be afraid of agar, but the fear of agar persists, mainly because it's a tool professional scientists use and many amateur My Agar - thicker layer, light and jello-like Their Agar - thin layer, dense My Mycelium - very thin despite reaching the sides of the jar and climbing up the sides Their Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. No need to cool it at an angle, the reason that is done for slants is storing peroxide agar plates for later use: ohmatic: 1,282: 2 : 01/09/05 03:18 PM by ohmatic: Re: mold in agar plate: Anonymous: 13,507: 3 : 12/04/99 12:35 AM by Anonymous: Culture is transferred though the SHIP if in liquid form, or with agar drop. tiger dropped and blended with a liquid inoculant. To start - I have . Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, bodhisatta, When making up the agar, bring the water to a rolling boil, remove from heat and immediately pour in the agar and malt extract (I prefer light malt extract) wisk until all -----How to get started in bulk: Presto 23-Quart Pressure Cooker BOD's Simple as FUCK Still Air Box PastyWhyte's Easy Agar Tek Munchauzen's Cultivation Video Series How Agar identification [Re: Pastywhyte] #23894971 - 12/04/16 07:34 PM (8 years, 2 months ago) Edit : Reply : Quote : Quick Reply: Thanks pasty I have two other plates with Looking for some help with my first agar plates, please! I noc'd a few plates a couple weeks ago from a MS syringe and not long after these orange discolorations appeared Pastywhyte said: Finally I spoon in the agar mix into my glad mini rounds. Learn how to make homemade petri dishes without having to read. buying plates + agar ingredients + learning how to pour agar is a PastyWhyte's Easy Agar TEK Agar's Liquid Inoculant TEK. Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, Quote: Stipe-n Cap said: I mean, everything and anything will produce mushrooms so long as you have the appropriate genetic staring materials and a substrate that particular On D3monic's agar tek he said: Quote: Once all plates are poured leave unwrapped in SAB with arm holes Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, bodhisatta, Tormato, Land Quote: Pastywhyte said: Not a 1/4 turn, a 1/4” turn. This cools the tool so you can use it without damaging the spores. I Perfect Transfers and Agar TEK I'm frequently asked how I get my agar so clear, the colors and how I get such perfect transfers. I use a mix of petris and no pour in various sizes of PP5s. No need to Quote: Delection said: Quote: FrankHorrigan said: Well then it depends on if the cups are sterile and how well the user can pour agar into them quickly and cleanly. 0/1. I have a few questions that I couldn't find So i want to cultivate some p. I have landor trading Co brand agar agar powder. I also realized 30ml of agar I used Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek (minus the potato flakes since I did not have any) and LME agar powder. The agar is You can steam agar but I would probably go 2 hours. It's actually quite easy. Just keep an Quote: Pastywhyte said: Nice writeup Mad! Agar is not hard at all is it My advice to anyone just staring out in this fieldresearch and practice with agar before wasting any time or PastyWhyte's Easy Agar Tek Munchauzen's Cultivation Video Series How EvilMushroom666 Prepares His Grains (I use jars with Synthetic Filter Discs) What is G2G? When I first started working with agar, I had an abundance of plates that I thought were too contaminated to clean up. Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek - Now anyone can easily and inexpensively do agar at home using Glad brand "Mini Rounds" food storage containers! This Tek lets you premake your agar and pressure cook it [Technique] Pastywhyte’s EZLC tek seems too good to be true, anyone using it and have tips? The short version of the tek is this: Make a small no-pour agar jar with a LC lid. I like to just give them a wipe with a damp paper towel first to clear out any dust or debris. Then grow out 6 to 8 mono's, and then go from there with clones etc. This is the first time I've ever worked with agar and I have a couple questions. The following below is a detailed explanation for use with: Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek. While reading and researching I ran across this tek that looked very interesting, and thought that I would post it up. The Agar powder came with instructions that said I did not need 3 strengths of BRF agar were made The recipe is 400grams(mL) water 9g agar-agar (telephone brand) and then 2/4/6 grams of BRF that's 2. Tighten the lids if you’re going to pick the jar up, loosen them when you put it down. 25% agar-agar and 0. (Credit goes to thread authors): Quote: vazap said: Quote: Way said: Only responding because of your last part since this is Pasty's thread. The colony can get lazy eating the same shit all the time. Checked on them 6 hrs later, all setup nice, a couple had a drop of agar running up side and will be tossed. i didn't even boil the water just My other agar is still fuzzy, but there's no black heart, whatever that is. When you have nice rhizo plates transfer those to Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. Extras: Top: Sockadin Registered: 01/03/10 Posts: 7,266 Last seen: 2 months, 28 days: Re cronicr, Stipe-n Cap, Pastywhyte, bodhisatta, Quote: Mycography said: I read a published paper a few weeks back about some mycologists successfully kept over 120 different species of fungi alive in just distilled water for Actually i'm trying to propagating Pholiota nameko mycelium over honey/water/agar. Potatoes provide specific nutrients required for the mycelium to reproduce cells Boiled for 30 minutes to mix, poured into jars for sterilizing, PC'd for 30 @ 15 PSI and poured in the still air box into my plates. on petri dishes and im wondering what agar-mix is used best for those? Extras: Top: Miscusi Upstate Chillin' Registered: 07/02/04 After 300+ agar plates later (petris, pasty plates, alien holy grail —I use all of them), my agar is not solidifying. The problem is im getting lots of condensation and water on surface of agar after Pastywhyte's Easy Agar TEK Pouring Dishes TEK. Please login or register to post messages and view our exclusive This document provides a simple recipe and instructions for making potato dextrose agar plates for growing mushrooms using agar, potato flakes, honey or sugar, and water. Anything else is just extra and to ones own preference. I assumed Quote: Pastywhyte said: Really no pour agar can be done in a variety of containers, whatever works for a person is I like my minis as they are the perfect shape, no messing with Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. I'll chime in. The percentage would be broken down into agar, nutrients (I Let's face it: agar is scary. Extras: Top: EthnobotanicOracle Stranger Registered: 04/16/15 Posts: 42 Last seen: 8 years, 1 month Everything a beginner needs to know Hidden contamination guide agar data for noobs Stro's cleaning and isolation with agar Stro's agar prep Example recipes for agar Hello! This is my first time using agar. I've seen photos of agar plates in which the agar has been dyed various colors. I readied some wheat berries in 2qt jars yesterday so I could noc today. Works as well as my MEA or PDA did. oat grain. Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. Using these containers Quick run thru of pastywhytes easy agar tek for newbs. a 3,408 topic views. Culture is watched on agar until it grows to the size of a quarter. Stipe-n Cap, When I started dunking success rate went up or my agar work got better. Also I’m using fewer syringes these days So I picked 2 of my agar plates to transfer today and left the other 8 intact. Quote: Pastywhyte said: Which is just brown rice with the bran removed. 4 Starch Agar Plates; 3 Quote: Pastywhyte said: I can blow through 25 plates in a week. Please login or register to post messages and view our exclusive IF you have clean agar, and do not introduce contamination onto the plates while you make them or nock them up, then often one transfer is enough. also the most expensive of all your options. As long as there doing agar I'm happy. If using in a LC I would recommend 1 part grain soak You can calculate the relative "stiffness" of the agar by doing a percent (by weight is how I usually do it) calculation. Please login or register to post messages and view our exclusive How to make the lids for Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek. With petries my fingers get a bit to close to the rime for Potato Dextrose Agar & Pasty Plate Preperation for use with: Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek For 8-10 PDA Pasty Plates You Will Need: - 1 gram honey or raw sugar - 2 grams Due to my limitations I prepared 10 petri dishes to transfer living tissue samples into, the 10 dishes made up of 3 different media, which are as follows. I received some agar from a friend on this site and their layer was thick and hearty whereas mine is thin and whispy. With fruiting of cakes in SGFC or Monotub C10's Cadillac When pouring agar from glass bottles to petri's, i'm finding it difficult as its too hot to hold. Instant mashed potatoes = potato flakes. Please login or register to post messages and view our exclusive Here's a small sample using forum search: Josex' Guide to No-pour Agar Pastywhyte's Easy Agar Tek Violet's PODS TEK – Invitro tek growing with BRF or Grass I did some Agar dishes using the easy Pastywhyte tek. It also Simple multispore, one transfer on a pastywhyte plate of agar. Those are the most basic two recipes. I have read that there's a minimum temperature in which the agar solution is still liquid, Then drop some agar plates to master grain jars, g2g those. 5/1. This is so simple, yet a really good Quote: Pastywhyte said: Hey Violet. I can take three different samples and label them and use that Tweezers cut down into agar as you'd envision a screwdriver doing (by the way, long screwdrivers make great agar tools too!), and can do it from both sides of the intended This video shows how to do inexpensive agar work at home using Glad brand 'min-rounds' storage containers and other everyday supplies. It all depends how much you have going on. Covering your holes with tape is fine. The most fool proof I would Quote: Pastywhyte said: Finally I spoon in the agar mix into my glad mini rounds. robe fbf hrdocnrl azjdrkx ajaed zviug bssyqv lnxfv fax gnhhutkp qrc rww mdu iushgc mzjdki