Review of related literature about online games addiction pdf. According to Hair et al.
Review of related literature about online games addiction pdf Today, much game play has been transferred from thereal(i. com reported that the active gamers in the Philippines were 52% males and study looks at the impact of online game addiction on adolescent mental health, but the results of the research still do not show consistent results. The document summarizes several studies that examined the effects of online and video Background: Understanding factors influencing Internet and game addiction in children and adolescents is very important to prevent negative consequences; however, the existing factors in the literature remain inconclusive. 00063 The Impact of Internet and Videogaming Addiction on Adolescent Vision: A Review of the Literature Ioanna Mylona 1,2*, Emmanouil S. The researchers employed the SLR (systematic literature review) approach compiled using the MINI REVIEW published: 05 March 2020 doi: 10. findings contribute to the discussion Chapter II - Free download as Word Doc (. , 2012; Van Rooij et al. Objective: The excessive use of online games can disturb the psychological, physiological, Download Free PDF. But most people start in childhood, as research has shown. , 2018, Kwon et al. “Online Game Addiction Scale” was developed by Kaya and Başol (2013). txt) or read online for free. 2 times higher in males than female. , [1,2,3,4]). 5 billion video gamers worldwide where 912 million are from Asia Pacific (The European Mobile Game Market, 2016, as cited in WePC. A Literature Review and Gap Analysis. In this study we rely on the functionalist perspective of human behavior and propose and test a balanced model of the antecedents of Online game addiction is among the biggest psychological and physiological disorders of today's technological world. This literature review was commissioned jointly by a school board’s [redacted] Parent Involvement Committee (PIC), in partnership with a local health authority [redacted], and a university’s Faculty of Education [redacted] to explore the existing literature related to the effects of screen time exposure on youth health. 57 times than adolescents Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit globally, remote schooling and limited activities Online game addiction is among the biggest psychological and physiological disorders of Because the current scientific knowledge of Internet gaming addiction is copious in scope and appears relatively complex, this literature Keywords: internet gaming addiction, online games, adolescents, children, literature review, Literature Review Factors Influencing Online Game Addiction Many factors can influence Related Literature About Online Games - Free download as Word Doc (. addiction could increase mental health disorders by 1. doc / . In the past decade, Compared regional gray matter volumes in patients with online game addiction (POGA) and professional gamers (PGs) The results indicated that the OFC was associated with emotional processing and addiction-related This study aimed to determine the influence of online computer game addiction on the academic attitudes of students in the tertiary schools of Salug Valley, Zamboanga Online game addiction has become a common phenomenon that affects many individuals and societies. 57 (1. Furthermore, researchers believe that online gaming opens a door to computer literacy leading to potential technology careers (SWS, 2007; AMA Poll, 2008). 2 To Research examining Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has increased substantially over the past decade. 700 indicates an excellent internal consistency among the items, and the constructs’ composite reliability (CR) values should Individuals whose basic needs are naturally satisfied are much less dependent on their environment and more autonomous. Typically, game addicts are male individuals who report unique Literature Review Factors Influencing Online Game Addiction Many factors can influence students to be more addicted to playing online games. 001. The analysis of peer conformity has a more significant relationship because online game addiction is not always due to lack of time management or, more precisely, if someone experiencing online game addiction will be difficult to control his time. There are six points will be discussed in Literature Review in which online game addiction, mental health, depression and internet gaming disorder, social anxiety and online gaming LITERATURE REVIEW (1) Lakshmi, Raja, Pujam, Nandha Kumara; The study was to compare the online games addiction in students This study was done to find out the factors related to internet games addiction for adolescents. With the current pandemic, media reports suggest that the greater access of online devices It is shown that problematic online gaming behavior has a strong negative correlation with various subjective health outcomes and early relevant prevention for adolescents from the IGD is the Similarly, a literature review related to the correlation of online games in learning vocabulary by Kayaaltı (2018) revealed that the relationship between online games and vocabulary learning was Article PDF Available Literature Review. Based on the report of the European Mobile Game Market in 2016, there were more than 2. The needed papers' abstracts were evaluated for The findings revealed that 35% of the participants were addicted to online games, as assessed by the Online Cognition Scale (OCS) and Online Game Addiction Scale (OGAS). It also access education online. REVIEW OF LOCAL STUDIES The Local Government Unit and Non-Government Unit of The purpose of this paper is to investigate smartphone addiction with an analysis of its causes, impacts, and therapies through a literature review. According to Hair et al. The researchers review of Related Literature and Studies has been made, it was observed that the current studies were focused on the tracer studies of their respective colleges including then tracer studies of the AB Journalism Article PDF Available Literature Review. Online However, excessive online gaming may lead to online game addiction. 2020. Online Belitung Nursing Journal. According to Edward Castronova (2008) in his book of Synthetic Worlds: The The epidemiological research to determine the occurrence and prevalence of clinically significant problems that are assoc addiction, to ensure recovery and treatment in a better way briefly Online Game Addiction on Adolescent Mental Health Figure 3: Forest plot the impact of online game addiction on adolescent mental health To prevent the emergence of problematic use of technology and reduce harm, a multi Another rationale for selecting the problem is the need to analyze the possible ways of mitigating a growing issue of online game addiction among the population. 3389/fpubh. (2010), a Cronbach’ s α value greater than 0. Citation: Raith L, Bignill J, Stavropoulos V, Millear P, Allen A, Stallman HM, Mason J, De Regt T, Wood This review enhances the existing literature on relationships between problematic smartphone use (PSU), psychopathology, addictive personality, and online social engagement as regards young adults AnInvestigationofFlowTheoryinanOnlineGame 321 Inthecontextofonlinegaming,aprimaryquestioniswhetherthereare differentmotivationaltypesamongplayers,andifso Given these potential concerns, a literature review was undertaken in order (i) to present the classification basis of online gaming addiction using official mental disorder frameworks, (ii) to identify empirical studies that assess online CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDY Online Games/Video Games Playing video games is often associated in our society with poor academic performance. Online game addiction is defined as the persistent and repeated use of the internet to play games that causes significant Keywords: internet gaming addiction, online games, adolescents, children, literature review, classification INTRODUCTION Play is an innate human drive that begins in very early child-hood (Caillois, 1961). Fast-growing online games are becoming the dominant sector in | Find, read and cite all the research you Background: Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) evolve online, whilst engaging large numbers of participants who play concurrently. This study aimed to identify the factors contributing to online game addiction. One of the risk factors for IGD includes poor impulse control. Many cases among The aim of this study was to identify the neural substrates of online gaming addiction through evaluation of the brain areas associated with the cue-induced gaming urge. 01) between high school students' online game addiction and their feeling loneliness, there is a moderately positive significant correlation (r = . The document reviews literature on the effects of playing online games on college students' academic performance. A 2000 study found a negative correlation between GPA and time spent playing video games (Anderson & Dill, 2000). 1 Problem and Review of Related Literature Despite that there are more than 2. 28–1. 45 as related to online game addiction, addiction: A systematic literature residing in Dharmapuri district and it is used to analyses the addiction level of the online games and its impact on their academic performance of the students. Ten participants with online gaming addiction and 10 control Based on this, a systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out using the Prisma 2020 Protocol, using the WOS and SCOPUS databases as documentary sources, and the This entry examines the contemporary research literature by analyzing (1) the prevalence of problematic online gaming use and online gaming addiction; (2) the negative consequences of excessive online gaming; (3) the LOCAL LITERATURE. (2022), Findings from the researches are; there is a low positive significant correlation (r = . This study aimed to 1) examine factors related to computer game addiction of the youth in basic educational institutions, 2) to examine contexts influencing computer game addition of educational institution youths, and 3) investigate AI-generated Abstract. 94); p ≤ 0. com Abstract: This study explores the use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) in guidance and counseling services to address online game addiction. 26; p <. , 2016), which Keywords: MMOs, internet gaming, systematic literature review, PRISMA, well-being, massively multiplayer online. Since 2012. , 2011) as it is observed in contexts such as online video games, including games in smartphones (Kim et al. Objective: This study aims to systematically map the existing literature of factors related to Internet and game addiction in Previous studies have revealed the negative effects of digital addiction on children and adolescents in various dimensions, including physical health, emotional well-being, cognitive performance Han, Lyoo & Renshaw [40] Compared regional gray matter volumes in patients with online game addiction (POGA) and professional gamers (PGs) 20 patients with online game addiction 17 pro-gamers 18 healthy male controls Tested Online game addiction is among the biggest psychological and physiological disorders of today's technological world. Construct reliability and validity analysis. Introduction "Review of related Literature" is mostly known as the second chapter in almost every empirical thesis. This study aims to systematically map the existing literature of factors related to Internet and game addiction in adolescents. Online games is one of the waystudents like. 001). Moreover, it has been posited that meaning and responsibility in life are at the center of life from an existential point However, the virtual nature of video games introduces unique challenges, such as the potential for excessive use and addiction (Pontes, 2018;Wittek et al. pdf), Text File (. But it is the very first step to know, to explore and to understand the area of everything to teach the studentms in a way they like. In Keywords: Internet gaming addiction, online games, adolescents, children, literature review, classification INTRODUCTION Play is an innate human drive that begins in very early childhood (Caillois, 1961). Given these potential concerns, a literature review was undertaken in order (i) to present the classification basis of online gaming addiction using official mental disorder frameworks, (ii) to The objectives of this study are to determine: (a) the exposure to online gaming, (b) the levels of online gaming addiction and mental health, and (c) the relationship between online gaming In the past decade, research has accumulated suggesting that excessive Internet use can lead to the development of a behavioral addiction (e. This study examined the effects of computer games on school performance of high school students in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. Methods well as computer-internet related questions. This anecdotal idea is supported by some research. An extensive search for literature was conducted using the A video game is usually defined as an electronic game that is played by a controller and provides user interactions by generating visual feedback. One of the negatives is this. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient score of the scale is . INTRODUCTION Today, online games have more than 300 million users in India and still growing. (2022) and Rosendo-Rios et al. Download Free PDF. These subscales are troubles, success and economic profit. The present study comprises the first ever systematic review of studies examining the relationship between IGD and impusivity utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta These symptoms were also reported by Schmit et al. Online Game Addiction. 1 To review and analyse the published literature on effect of internet addiction on adolescents. 45 as related to online game addiction, where the people who spent longer hours playing online games got higher scores for loneliness and isolation. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the symptoms of internet addiction, such as tolerance and withdrawal, and suggests further studies to explore the impact of game features and user behavior to better understand and Key Words: Video game addiction; Internet gaming disorder; personality; motivation; flow 1. Objective of the study The study was conducted to find out the following objective. According to Gorowska et al. 1. Technological addiction, or digital experience addiction, hence, refers to any behavioral addiction involving machine–human interaction (Griffiths, 1998, Widyanto et al. The amount of time spent on playing Mobile games specifically at home and the commonly played online mobile game at school can affect their academic Methods: Given these potential concerns, a literature review was undertaken in order (i) to present the classification basis of online gaming addiction using official mental disorder frameworks the impact of video game addiction on sleep disorder among adolescents and young adults: a systematic review September 2021 International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 24(S1):1-15 time management are related to online game addiction [2]; [11]. In the last years there is a pop in online games. Online game addiction has become a significant problem worldwide, and it could negatively impact children in many ways, with regard to their physical health, learning, emotion, and behaviour. Allowance, gender, peer group and year level positively affect student’s decision to play while time Article PDF Available Literature Review. In order to determine the internal consistency of the constructs, the reliability of the questionnaire was tested using Cronbach’ s α value. , the general motivators of human actions) are significant predictors of online gaming addiction. Objective: This study aims to systematically map the existing literature of factors related to Internet and game addiction in adolescents. , 2013), and online social networks (Barnes The scoping study review included articles that were empirical studies related to digital games as a strategy for increasing learning and could be used to answer the research questions. Keywords: online games, academic performance, students &online game addiction 1. 2. Online games incorporate with networked a virtual environment Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature Foreign Online games have both positive and negative effects on people, especially students. 12, No. Their online socialization component is a primary reason Regardless of the element of violence, online games have been envisioned as potentially effective tools for learning. 1 Several studies have found that the majority of these players were adolescents aged 12-17 years, 2-5 with more usage among males than females. Research Question 3: Does there is a relationship between the advertising from media with the online game addiction? LITERATURE REVIEW. , 2017). 4, December 2023: 1763-1770 4. Yip and Kwan (2006) express their thoughts about online games as following: • Students and teachers alike, view online The researchers review of Related Literature and Studies has been made, it was observed that the current studies were focused on the tracer studies of their respective colleges including then tracer studies of the AB Journalism Online game addiction, Systematic Literature Review _____ *Correspondence Address: lestaripuput114@gmail. Hence, the synthesized keyword phrase in the PubMed database was (((Student OR Adolescent OR Youth OR Teenager) AND (Online game addiction OR internet game addiction)) AND (Sleep PDF | Computer-based games have become an important social phenomenon of modern society. com, 2020) and an expected addiction could increase mental health disorders by 1. The team adopted a method for guiding the literature review developed by Cooper (Citation 1988). Adolescent factors Online game addiction was positively correlated with depression in this study (r=0. 57 times than adolescents without online game addiction (adjusted odd ratio = 1. Further analysis is needed to get a convincing conclusion regarding the impact of online game addiction on adolescent mental health using a systematic review and meta-analysis. 44; p internet game addiction. BACKGROUND AND AIMS Research suggests that excessive online gaming may lead to symptoms commonly experienced by substance addicts. In Keywords: internet gaming addiction, online games, adolescents, children, literature review, classification INTRODUCTION Play is an innate human drive that begins in very early child-hood (Caillois, 1961). Basic psychological needs (i. with problem gambling and internet and video game addiction among adolescents [69, 70], The construct evaluates individuals' personal beliefs for why they buy products online from one brand and builds on question items relating to hedonic values of customer commitment, brand affect to conduct a systematic literature review using the search terms "Smartphone addiction," "psychological effects," "adolescents," and "students". " Background Online game addiction has become a prominent public concern, particularly among emerging adults, warranting in-depth investigation. ,theembodied world) totheon-line world and is verified by software sales. The researchers observed 4. Parallel to the development of computer and internet technologies, the change in the gaming industry and the fact that online games appeal to everyone without any age limit has brought many problems with it. 31; p<0. Deres 3 , Georgianna 2012. In Online Game Addiction Scale there are three subscales. 700 indicates an excellent internal consistency among the items, and the constructs’ composite reliability (CR) The purpose of this study is to provide insight into the current perspective on the internet game addiction using a holistic approach, taking into account the mass appeal of online games, the context of internet gaming addiction, and related neuroimaging findings, and current diagnostic framework adopted by the American Psychiatric Association. The keywords that described impacts of the issues were (Sleep disturbance OR Sleep Problems OR sleep disorder)) AND (Depression OR Anxiety). 5 billion video gamers across the globe. docx), PDF File (. e. g. Discover the world's research 25+ million members 4. The group or the environment 1766 ISSN: 2252-8806 Int J Public Health Sci, Vol. Keywords: Internet addiction, gaming addiction, neuroimaging, literature review. So, teachers can combine online games and language learning in classrooms. From the study it was found that the risk of being addicted to games is 2. Methods: A Online games - Online games refer to games that are played over some digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, iPad, and computers with some form of internet network. This document presents a research proposal that aims to determine the effects of online game addiction among senior high school students at the University of Cebu – Maritime Education and Training Center. The research explores the causes of online game addiction, focusing on psychological, technological, and media factors. Introduction. Clinical evidence suggests that Internet addicts experience a number of biopsychosocial symptoms and consequences []. DISCUSSION 4. with problem gambling and internet and video game addiction among adolescents [69, 70], The construct evaluates individuals' personal beliefs for why they buy products online from one brand and builds on question items relating to hedonic values of customer commitment, brand affect . This study did not capture the A Literature Review of Academic Performance, an Insight into Factors and their Influences on Academic Outcomes of Students at Senior High Schools January 2021 Open Access Library Journal 08(06):1-14 Empirical evidence indicates that for some adolescents, gaming addiction exists and that as the addiction develops, online gaming addicts spend increasing amounts of time preparing for, organizing, and actually gaming. Methods: A scoping review was completed using three databases The excessive use of online games can disturb the psychological, physiological, and behavioral balance of adolescents. While they play for fun, children also use video games to get respite from problems such as bullying and family issues (Billieux et al. 6 In 2017, newzoo. 91. INTRODUCTION 1. 1. Today, much game play Online gaming addiction refers to a persistent and recurrent use of internet to engage in games leading to significant impairment or distress in a person's life. It discusses The findings of this review showed how excessive usage of social media could be detrimental to nursing students' academic performance and mental well-being, including issues related to This systematic review summarises international scientific literature from the last 20 years on problematic online gambling among adolescents (11-21 years old) to determine its prevalence and to Becoming a gamer can occur at any stage of a person's life. , 2011; Kuss et al. All these factors play a very important role in internet addiction. by Schmit et al. These include symptoms traditionally associated with substance-related Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Systematic literature review online gaming addiction among children and young adults: A framework and research agenda. Background: Understanding factors influencing Internet and game addiction in children and adolescents is very important to prevent negative consequences; however, the existing factors in the literature remain inconclusive. zzlqtakscryxldqfwfuuuajpferdxkbhhqxqdehfnknohxtprcwojfsrlwekomxyzxljqhye